Tuesday, June 2, 2009

June Is Here Already

We are half way through the year already. Time is just flying by. I submitted my latest writing to Covenant Book. Of One Heart: Being Single in the Church of Jesus Christ Of Latter Day Saints will hopefully be published by next Spring. We can only hope.
This picture is of us at the homeschool co-op we did during the school year every Monday morning. It ended last month and won't start again until the end of August. We accomplished a lot through this program and it kept us on track for school.
Last month Moses, Henry and I went to Colonial Times at Fort Conde in Mobile. The people of Mobile sponsor this festival of the life and times of the Colonial Days. It was a great time with a petting zoo, butter churning, candle making, writing with quill pens, dressing in costumes, games and of course a chance to run through the Fort. The highlight of the day is when "Captain Jack Sparrow" and his pirate associate gave a great demonstration of sword fighting and posed for a picture with us. It was a great day.

Tasha is about due to pop. Her due date is June 24 and her nursery is just about done. Both Matt and Tasha are very excited. He will be the first male born to Matt's side of the family.

Boy Scout camp is coming up for Moses. It will be his first experience going to Mabella Camp. Eliot was going to go but couldn't get off work.
I started a new job this week. Our little town sponsors a day camp at the civic center every summer and I am one of the camp counselors. I get to take Moses and Henry with me and we get a nutritous lunch as well. This will last for 4 weeks.

Jim is working for Walmart and does not have a lot of hours. He is hoping to transfer to another store to get on permanent full time and move up. It's mostly nights, which makes it difficult but we are hanging in there.
Our garden is growing so well. We are getting sweet peas, zuchinni and peppers. The tomatoes and cucumbers are not ready yet. It has been a great blessing.

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