Saturday, January 5, 2019

The Suburban Micro-Farm Experience

I don't post book reviews here very often but this was too good a book to not post my review. 


When I first read about The Suburban Micro-Farm book I was excited to read it and I was not disappointed.  I really love this book.

Amy Stross is an expert in her field of gardening. Her background experience of gardening and micro-gardening gives insight to a world most people don’t know about: turning a suburban lawn in to a suburban garden. Two years ago, I lived in a home with half and acre and had as much room as I wanted for vegetable gardens and fruit trees. Now I am in a home with a very small plot of land in a small city and land management has become very important. Enter The Suburban Micro-Farm which has helped me plan and implement my own micro-farm.

The book is divided into three parts. First, Getting to know the Micro-Farm which includes managing expectations in gardening which helps us to not feel overwhelmed and anxious about planning what to plant and how to take care of our garden.

Part two is Becoming a Micro-Farmer which discusses the actual organizing, planting and maintaining our gardens.

Part three is Advanced Micro-Farming Techniques which includes landscaping with edibles, permaculture and setting yourself up to sell what you grow.

The information is fascinating and there are additional online resources which are very helpful. Her plans work and help in implementing ideas that can inspire generations. In her closing remarks Amy Stross tells us that “Micro-farmers are at the forefront of writing a new story about how suburbanites engage with their environment.” This is so true and a new beginning of independent vegetable gardening for many homeowners will help the future in feeding ourselves and developing healthy soil. A future we can live with for many years to come.